How did I crack's Captcha? Google Tesseract in action uses a very simple captcha to prevent spamming in its website. To make it clear, let's analyze one of its images:
See that if we remove the red lines and the red background, this image will become easily to be OCRed. To do that, I used Python Imaging Library (PIL). And here is the code:
import Image
def convertBW(im):
matrix = im.load()
for x in range(im.size[0]):
for y in range(im.size[1]):
if matrix[x, y] > 0:
matrix[x, y] = 0
matrix[x, y] = 255
return im
im ='image.gif')
im2 = convertBW(im)'image_bw.gif', 'GIF')
After processing, the result image will be like this:
Now it's ready to use any OCR software to recognize it. I chose Google Tesseract because it's open source and can be trained. In addition, I used its python version Pytesser at ( This version contains a default trained data, which is stored in folder "tessdata". Then I tried to OCR the processed image using the default trained data, but it was not successful:
>>> from pytesser import *
>>> image ='image_bw.gif')
>>> print image_to_string(image)
The letter 'M' was OCRed as 'IVI'. That's because the default trained data was created using training images with different fonts. To solve this problem, I had to train Tesseract myself. The official tutorial from Google is available at
I used the version 2.01 (tesseract-2.01). However, this version contains some errors which prevented me from successfully training it (hope that these errors were fixed now). So I applied patches from and compliled Tesseract from source.
The training data was obtained by downloading the captcha images from I used 100 random images and combined them to create the sample (click to see it clearly)
Now it's OK to follow the tutorial for training. I had to keep the default 'tessdata' folder to have the training process done. After obtaining 4 files 'inttemp', 'pffmtable', 'unicharset', 'normproto', I added the prefix eng.* to them and created 4 other empty files 'eng.DangAmbigs', 'eng.freq-dawg', 'eng.user-words', and 'eng.word-dawg'. All these 8 files were copied to folder 'tessdata' to make a new trained data.
Let's see what I achieved :)
>>> from pytesser import *
>>> image ='image_bw.gif')
>>> print image_to_string(image)
Please note that this entry was only written for fun. I won't take any responsibilty for any damages caused by someone who uses information from this entry for hacking purpose :D
Hi Vinh,
Phuc day! ;) Nice job! OCR lib no' dung image descriptor gi + classification algorithm gi ta? Thuong OCR dung Shape Context (SC)/NN+SVM. That ra, muon flexible hon va accurate hon, minh cha can den cai lib nay. Minh co the dung Inner Distance Shape Context (IDSC) va` Naive-Bayes NN la du? good roi. SC is not good enough. P co' implement cai IDSC in C++ va post o site cua P do'. :)
Hom nao 2 vo chong ranh, du lich qua DC ghe' nha` P choi nha! ;)
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