My blog on the Internet

My name is Vinh Ngoc Khuc (Khúc Ngọc Vinh in Vietnamese). I was a student at Computer Science Department of Moscow State University and now a graduate student at Computer Science and Engineering Department of The Ohio State University -- Columbus. I created this blog to record my memory and improve my English ;)

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Data Recovery in Linux

Tonight after I finished my 3rd subject of the all five subjects in the exam of this semester, I am having time to browse the internet on my favourite Debian box. I found a blog of a guy telling about how he used Linux to recover his lost FYP (Final Year Project).
At part 2, he linked to ReiserFS undelete/data recovery HOWTO, which also has a links to blog of Marty , which helped him to recovery his important data erased by the command #rm -rf * .
I think it is a good news for people who are programming in Linux, because losing some part of codes in an important project is often.